Buyologists say that a consumer is emotion-driven. Is this just a gut feeling or has it anything to do with real biology? Thanks to Antonio Damasio for giving the world the fabulous idea of Somatic Markers. A visual or verbal cue used in communication arouses an emotion in a person that could be good or bad. Let's assume for our understanding that a product creates a positive emotion in a person. An emotion is a physical and mental experience. It brings about a change in heartbeat, the flow of neurotransmitters, triggering of the endocrine system and changes in muscle tone, and all these lead to a pleasant mental state. It can be real, experienced through your senses, or imagined by your mind, or to simply put it in a neuroscientific lingo, it could be through the 'body-loop' when it's sensory or through the 'as-if-body-loop' when it's imagined. Each emotion linked to a product/service leaves a Unique Neural Fingerprint (UNF) in your network, which is...